Automation Server Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is Automation Server



1          In TAMS program folder, double-click on the file ¡§mAutomation.exe¡¨ to starting the Automation Server. You will see the main screen as below.







By default, the light bulb icon on the top left hand corner is turned-OFF that means all tasks are stopped.




2          Create a new schedule task


2.1         Double click on the ¡§Add new task¡¨ icon.



2.2         Enter your own user name and password. Actually, every time you add a new task or update an existing task you are required to login in order to avoid unauthorized updates.



2.3         Select a task type from the list that you want to be created, then click the [OK] button. Depends on what you have purchased, there are different categories of task for selection. See below table for more information.







Probation status update

To check all new join employees if he/she has completed the probation period by checking his/her probation completion date, if yes change his/her employment status from ¡§Under probation¡¨ to ¡§Active¡¨. Normally this task should be run every day.

Leave approval reminder

To monitor if any pending leave applications and send email reminder to the approver.


Analyze attendance result

To perform time attendance analysis process to calculate lateness, overtime, working hours, etc. Normally this task should be run daily midnight after all clock-OUT records are downloaded.


Rename file

Rename a file for some reasons. Sometimes, for some timeclock model, it requires changing the data filename every time after download data in order to avoid record duplicate.

Sync. PC clock to device(s)

Transfer the PC clock to the timeclock device(s) to make sure the accuracy.

Restore User List to device(s)

To transfer permitted user data from master database to timeclock device(s). If employee turnover rate is high, this task is important to ensure all staffs can be clock IN/OUT on the device(s) without problem.

Backup User List from device(s)

To transfer enrolled user data from timeclock device(s) to server and save in the database for centralization. This job is useful especially if the new employees are enrolled (e.g. enroll fingerprint) at branch, and there may be so many branches. This job can backup all enrolled user data from all branch devices to head office for central management.

Database Maintenance

Auto delete old records in database in order to keep database size not too large. Too many data in database will cause system running slow. There are several kinds of data can be auto deleted now :

1.          Transaction records (i.e. Punch card records)

2.          Roster records

3.          Timesheet records

4.          Salary records

System Integration

Download Transaction

Download clock IN/OUT transactions from devices

Import employee records

Auto import a batch of employee records from a text file in specified format.

Import Leave balance records

Auto import leave balance records from a text file in specified format.

Import Device User List

Import permitted user list from a file in specified format.

Export employee records

Auto export employee records to a text file in specified format.

Export Leave approval records

Auto export leave approval records to a text file in specified format.

Export Leave Take records

Auto export leave take records to a text file in specified format.


One of the option ¡§Format code¡¨ defined the output format. Enter ¡§STD¡¨ for the standard format. For custom format, a special format code is required, please consult our technical support team.

Export transaction records

Auto export clock IN/OUT transaction records to a file in specified format.


One of the option ¡§Format code¡¨ defined the output format. Enter ¡§STD¡¨ for the standard format. For custom format, a special format code is required, please consult our technical support team.

Export transaction records by webhook

Auto send out a HTTP POST request to the specified webhook URL, which contains clock IN/OUT transaction records in specified JSON format.

PeopleSoft integration listener

To listen for requests from PeopleSoft System and feedback with required data.


Send report by email

Auto generate the selected report and sent to the specified recipient(s) through email

Email attendance report to staff(s)

Auto sending attendance report to the related employees through email.

Email abnormal attendance report

Auto sending ¡§Abnormal attendance report¡¨ to particular recipients. Normally this task will be set to run on every morning right after the on-duty time, in case there is any ¡§no show¡¨ staffs, the report will be sent to the supervisor so that he/she can make immediate arrangement.



2.4         In the task setup page, we can define the task details here. In the ¡§Task¡¨ tab, enter a meaningful description for the task. This description will be shown in the task list to let you know what task is running.



2.5         Enable the ¡§Task enable¡¨ option. If you want to temporary disable (but not delete) the task, uncheck this option.



2.6         Fill in all details options for the task if any. Please note that different task has different options.



2.7         Click on the ¡§Schedule¡¨ tab to tell the system when to run the task.



2.8         Select the schedule type. There are 5 types as below :


Schedule Type





Every N minutes





2.9         Click on the ¡§Advance¡¨ tab. Here you can select if you want to receive an execution result email every time right after the task has finished. There are 2 types of email :


Send failure email

This option will send email to notify you only when the task run failed.

Send execution result email

This option will always send notification email to you no matter the task run success or fail. In the email, you can find the start time and the finished time so that you know how long the task has been run.




2.10     Click the [OK] button to save changes.



2.11     Repeat from step 2 to add another task





See Also

Starting the Automation Server