
Email setup for e-Leave module

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In the e-Leave module, there are some processes which can auto send acknowledge email to applicants or approvers about the process such as leave application information and approval status. Actually, user can configure the email sending behavior and those email templates with preferred wordings instead of using the standard one. The wordings can be fixed or dynamically by insert some variables just like the concept of ¡§mail merge¡¨. Please follow below steps to do the configuration.





1.          Click the [ Web Module Setup ] button from the main screen toolbar



2.          Select the [E-mail Settings] tab



3.          Select an email type from the list. There are several type of process which are related to sending email as shown below :


Process type


Apply Leave

When a staff submit a leave application, an email can be sent to inform approver(s).

Remove Leave Application

When the leave application has not yet approved, the staff click the [Remove] button to cancel such leave application, an email can be sent to inform approver(s).

Approve Leave Application

When the leave application has been approved, an email can be sent to applicant / preceding approver(s) to inform leave application approved.

Reject Leave Application

When the leave application has been rejected, an email can be sent to applicant / preceding approver(s) to inform leave application rejected.

Apply Leave Cancellation

When a staff submit a ¡§leave cancel application¡¨, an email can be sent to inform approver(s).

Remove Cancel-Leave Application

When the ¡§leave cancel application¡¨ has not yet approved, the staff click the [Remove] button to cancel such ¡§leave cancel application¡¨, an email can be sent to inform approver(s).

Approve Cancel-Leave Application

When the ¡§leave cancel application¡¨ has been approved, an email can be sent to applicant / preceding approver(s) to inform leave cancellation approved.

Reject Cancel-Leave Application

When the ¡§leave cancel application¡¨ has been rejected, an email can be sent to applicant / preceding approver(s) to inform leave cancellation rejected.

Forget password

When a user click forget password in the Login screen, after user identification, an email with a new reset password can be sent to the user.




4.          For the option ¡§Send email to :¡¨, select your preferred email sending behaviour for the selected process type. Please note that different process type has different options. Please see below table for details :



Process type

Send email behaviour


Apply Leave

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Applicant submitted Leave application, pending at Approver1


Scenario 2 : Applicant submitted Leave application, approved by Approver1, pending at Approver2


Send email to next approver only

Scenario 1 : Applicant submitted Leave application, pending at Approver1

Scenario 2 : Applicant submitted Leave application, approved by Approver1, pending at Approver2

Remove Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application


Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Send email to next approver only

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application

Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Send email to next approver and cc ALL other preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application

Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Approve Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Send email to applicant only

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Send email to applicant and cc ALL preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Reject Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Send email to applicant only

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Send email to applicant and cc ALL preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Apply Leave Cancellation

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Applicant submitted Leave application, pending at Approver1

Scenario 2 : Applicant submitted Leave application, approved by Approver1, pending at Approver2


Send email to next approver only

Scenario 1 : Applicant submitted Leave application, pending at Approver1

Scenario 2 : Applicant submitted Leave application, approved by Approver1, pending at Approver2

Remove Cancel-Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application


Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Send email to next approver only

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application

Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Send email to next approver and cc ALL other preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Pending at Approver1, Applicant cancel leave application

Scenario 2 : Approver1 approved, pending at Approver2, Applicant cancel leave application

Approve Cancel-Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Send email to applicant only

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Send email to applicant and cc ALL preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Final approved by Approver2

Reject Cancel-Leave Application

Not sending email

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Send email to applicant only

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Send email to applicant and cc ALL preceding approver(s)

Scenario 1 : Rejected by Approver1

Scenario 2 : Approved by Approver1, Rejected by Approver2

Forget password

Not sending email

Send email to applicant only




5.          Enter your preferred email subject for the selected process. You may either put a fixed text or text with variables. See below examples.





If the subject / header / footer are empty in the input box, the system will use the default value for these items to send e-Mail.





To find the supported variables list, please refer to





Leave application

Leave application

Leave application from !!#staffid

Leave application from A0001

Leave application from !!#staffid - !!#name1

Leave application from A0001 ¡V Chan Tai Man

Leave application from !!#staffid - !!#name1 (!!#dept)

Leave application from A0001 ¡V Chan Tai Man (IT)



6.          Enter your preferred email Header. The header will be shown in the top of the email content.




Please process the leave application within 3 days.

Please process the leave application within 3 days.

Please find the leave application details below :

Please find the leave application details below :



7.          Enter your preferred email Footer. The footer will be shown at the bottom of the email content.




Please enter the link below to make approval

Please enter the link below to make approval





8.          Click the [Save] button to save changes



9.          Repeat steps 3 -8 for another process type.



Output Example




See also
