
Online Punch Card Setup

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l   None


¡§Online Punch Card¡¨ is a function under ESS for staff to clock IN & OUT on his/her own mobile device. A real time clock is shown on the screen which is getting from server instead of local in order to ensure no cheating by adjust the local time. Besides of capture the time by the clock, it can also capture the location by GPS, and capture the identity by camera. There are some settings can be selected by Administrator to control the online timeclock appearance and functions. Please see the steps below :



1        Open Web Module Setup page

2        Click ¡§Settings¡¨ tab and then click ¡§Web > ESS > Time Attendance > Punch card¡¨ on the menu tree, the options will be shown :



Option name



Detect GPS location

Capture user¡¦s location coordinates, translate into address, and stored in database for admin reference.


Important : User must grant the ¡§Location¡¨ permission for getting the GPS coordinates.

Capture photo

Turn ON/OFF the device camera for capture a photo when user click the [ Clock IN/OUT ] button. The photo will be stored in database for admin reference.


Camera resolution and display mode

There are 4 options can be select

l   400 x 300 (Landscape) ¡V Good for PC w/ web cam

l   300 x 400 (Portrait) ¡V Good for Tablet

l   200 x 150 (Landscape) ¡V Good for laptop

l   150 x 200 (Portrait) ¡V Good for cell phone



Input remark

A remark field for staff to enter simple text remark. The remark will be stored in database.

¡§Project 123¡¨



3            Click [Save] button to save changes and make effective immediately.




See also

Web Site Setup