
Add a new Special Situation

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is Special Situation

l   Special Situation Type Setup

l   Add Shift Duty


Every time after a special situation happened (e.g. Typhoon), the fact data of such situation can be entered to the system in order to calculate the attendance adjustment and allowance compensation automatically. Please follow below steps to input a Special Situation record:



1.       Click the [Item Record] from the main screen toolbar



2.       Select [Special Situation] from the menu


3.       Click the [New] button to add a new Special Situation record.


4.       Enter the details of the Special Situation Type, including


Data Field




The type of the Special Situation. These types can be defined in Special Situation Type Setup

¡§Typhoon No. 8¡¨


The name of the Special Situation.



Any text remark about this situation. For reference only.



The time period of the situation.

¡§2018/9/16 09:40 ¡V 2018/9/16 19:40¡¨



5.       Click the [Update] button to save changes.


6.       Finished. Repeat steps 3-5 to create another Special Situation Type.




See also

Add Shift Duty