
Setup New Device

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Already installed Hardware



1.          Click ¡§New¡¨ button to setup a new device


2.          Under ¡§General¡¨ tab, enter:

¡§Name¡¨ ¡V Enter the site name, e.g. Warehouse

¡§Branch Code¡¨ ¡V Optional filed, select only if you want to specify punch card location

¡§Type¡¨ ¡V Select a suitable reader type. E.g. Proximity Card Reader

¡§Reader¡¨ ¡V Select reader model, if you don¡¦t know your exact reader model, please contact our support hotline (852-3188 9950) for help

¡§Card Set¡¨ ¡V Select card set, by default it is 1. Change it only if you have several reader model which different card list

¡§Connection¡¨ ¡VDifferent reader will have different connection method, choose a suitable connection method for your case then enter corresponding settings.


3.          Under ¡§Time & Attendance¡¨ tab, select:

¡§Time & Attendance Mode¡¨ ¡V Control the reader purpose, there are 2 mode for selection:

¡§IN / OUT¡¨ mode - The punch records from this device will be used for attendance calculation.

¡§N/A¡¨ mode - The punch records from this device will NOT be used for attendance calculation


¡§Card Number Download Mode¡¨ ¡V Control the card number format for each punch record downloaded. There are 3 mode for selection:

¡§User ID¡¨ mode ¡V use device¡¦s User ID as the card number.

¡§Card serial number¡¨ mode ¡V use card serial number as the card number. (Only suitable for reader model: TA204 / TA205 / TA206 / TA207)

¡§Card serial number in database¡¨ mode ¡V use card serial number mapped in ecTA/ecPayroll database as the card number. (Only suitable for reader model: TA204 / TA205 / TA206 / TA207 ) ( Only available on ecTA/ecPayroll version 5.1.151006 or above)


4.          Under ¡§Advance¡¨ tab, you can match the punch record to another device. We DO NOT recommend user to use this option unless special requirement, please contact our support hotline (852-3188 9950) for advice.


5.          Click ¡§OK¡¨ button to confirm setttings.


See also

Device Function ¡V Download Transaction Data

Device Function ¡V Time Synchronization

Device Function ¡V Transfer Time Zone

Device Function ¡V User Download

Device Function ¡V User Upload