
What is Employee Filter (EE filter)?

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l   None


¡§Employee Filter¡¨ (or sometimes called ¡§EE Filter¡¨) is a powerful tool for user to select multiple employees by different criteria.


In system back-end (i.e. TAMS), wherever you need to select a group of employees, most likely you will find an EE Filter button. For example you will find it in Main screen, reporting screen, HR commander, time attendance analyse, salary generation, ¡K too many places that cannot be list all out here. Therefore it is an important function that you worth to learn how to use it.


There are many criteria you can use to ¡§filter¡¨ out the employees you want. Instead of use any 1 of criteria, you may apply multi criteria at the same time.


See below table for all criteria (depends on which modules you have purchased):


Criteria Name




Employee ID

Enter a range of employee ID for searching.


-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) who¡¦s Employee ID within the range will be selected.

¡§A0001¡¨ ¡V ¡§A0050¡¨

Excluded employee ID

Enter a range of employee ID that are EXCLUDED in the search.


-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) who¡¦s Employee ID within the range will be un-selected.

¡§A0001¡¨ ¡V ¡§A0050¡¨

Select Employee(s)

Select employee(s) by þ


All selected employee(s) are included.


You can even use another filtering tool on the top to narrow down the list for easy selection.

[ü] A1020

[  ] A1019

[ü] A1018

[  ] A1017






Multi-select Employee ID

Enter exact employee ID one by one. Enter the Employee ID in the box and then press the [+] button to add to the list. To remove ID from the list, select the ID and then click [-] button.


-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) in the list are selected.





Previous employee ID

Enter an Employee ID that was previously used.


Actually, the ¡§Employee ID¡¨ of each employee can be changed. All history are kept in the system.


-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) who previously owned the entered Employee ID will be selected. 


Employee Name

Enter the name of the employee to be searched.


-          Full / Partial name are accepted

-          First / Last name are accepted

-          English / Chinese name are accepted

-          Nickname is accepted

-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) who matched above conditions will be selected.

Chan Tai Man

Chan Tai


Tai Man



chan tai man


Employee HKID

Enter a HKID for searching


-          Full / Partial HKID are accepted

-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


The employee of the entered HKID will be selected.


As HKID is unique for each Hong Kong citizen, 1 or 0 employee will be selected.

A123456 ( 7 )


a123456 ( 7 )


Date of birth

Enter a date range for date of birth searching.


The age range will also be shown for reference.


All employee(s) who birth within the entered date range will be selected.



1 Jan 1970 ¡V 31 Dec 2000


Home District

Enter a district name of the employee¡¦s contact.


-          Full / Partial name are accepted

-          English / Chinese name are accepted

-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


All employee(s) who¡¦s ¡§District¡¨ field in ¡§Employee > Contact¡¨ page is matched will be selected.






Employment Status

Select 1 or more employment status for searching.


¡§On Probation¡¨ - New join staff before probation.

¡§Active¡¨ - Normal staff after probation.

¡§Resigned¡¨ ¡V Resigned staff

¡§Blacklist¡¨ ¡V Black listed staff marked by admin.


All employee(s) whose current employment status matched will be selected.

[ü] On Probation

[ü] Active

[  ] Resigned

[  ] Blacklist



Employment Type

Select 1 or more Employment Type(s) for searching.


The Employment Type are defined by administrator. All defined Employment Type(s) will be shown for selection.


All employee(s) who current Employment Type is matched will be selected.

[ü] Contract

[  ] Hourly

[ü] Part-time

[  ] Permanent



Year of employment

Enter a year range for searching year of employment.


0 year means new join staff who has been employed less than 12 months.


ONLY the year of current employment record will be count.


All employee(s) whose year of service within the range will be selected.





Join Date

Enter a date range for Join date searching.


ONLY the join date of current employment record will be search.


All employee(s) whose join date within the entered date range will be selected.

1 Jan 2000 ¡V 31 Dec 2020


Resign Date

Enter a date range for Resign date searching.


ONLY the resign date of latest employment record will be search.


All resigned employee(s) whose resign date within the entered date range will be selected.

1 Jan 2000 ¡V 31 Dec 2020


Contract Date

Enter a date range for searching the Contract Start Date, or enter a date range for searching the Contract End Date, or both.


ONLY the current employment record will be search.


All employee(s) whose Contract Start / End Date within the entered date range will be selected.

[ü] Start Date : 1 Jan 2000 ¡V 31 Dec 2020

[  ] End Date


[  ] Start Date

[ü] End Date : 1 Jan 2000 ¡V 31 Dec 2020


[ü] Start Date : 1 Jan 2019 ¡V 31 Dec 2020

[ü] End Date : 1 Jan 2019 ¡V 31 Dec 2020



Enter a Position name to be searched


-          Full / Partial name are accepted

-          English / Chinese name are accepted

-          Uppercase / Lower case are accepted


The Position names are defined by administrator.


All employee(s) who¡¦s ¡§Position¡¨ field in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page matched will be selected.






Current Department

Click the option ¡§Selected Departments ONLY¡¨, and select 1 or more Department(s) from the department tree.


Select / Un-select an upper node, ALL sub-nodes will also be applied.


To reset the selection, click the option ¡§All companies & departments¡¨ will do.


All employee(s) whose current department is in the selected departments will be included.


l Selected departments ONLY

[ ü ] Company1

[ ü ] Department1

[  ] Sub department1

[ ü ] Sub department2

[  ] Sub department1



Department Group

Select 1 or more Department Group(s) for searching.


The Department Groups are defined by administrator. All defined Department Groups will be shown for selection.


All employee(s) whose current Department Group matched will be selected.

[ü] Dept Group1

[  ] Dept Group2

[ü] Dept Group3


Current Branch

Select 1 or more Branches from the branch list.


The branch of an employee is defined in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Branch matched will be selected.

[ü] Mongkok

[  ] Shatin

[ü] Landmark


Current Duty Type

Select 1 or more Duty Types from the Duty Type list.


The Duty Type of an employee is defined in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Duty Type matched will be selected.

[ü] General

[  ] Supervisor

[ü] Support


Leave Entitle Planning

Choose a Leave Type from the drop down list, and then select 1 or more Leave Entitle Plan(s) for searching.


All employee(s) whose assigned Leave Entitle Plan of the chosen Leave Type will be selected.

Leave Type : Annual Leave


[ü] Plan A

[ü] Plan B

[  ] Plan C


Current Duty Group

Select 1 or more Duty Groups from the list.


Duty Group means Shift Duty Group or Roster group. Employees in the same Duty Group have the same Shift Duty assignment.


The Duty Group of an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > Attendance > Card number & Roster¡¨ page.


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Duty Group matched will be selected.

[ü] Mon-Fri

[ü] Long Short week

[  ] Mon-Sat


Current Grading

Select 1 or more Grades from the list.


The Grading an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page.


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Grading matched will be selected.

[ü] Manger

[ü] Senior

[  ] Junior


Current Cost Centre

Select 1 or more Cost Centres from the list.


The Cost Centre of an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page.


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Cost Centre matched will be selected.

[ü] 10011

[ü] 10012

[  ] 20501


Current Staff Type

Select 1 or more Staff Types from the list.


The Staff Type of an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > Movement¡¨ page.


All employee(s) who¡¦s current Staff Type matched will be selected.

[ü] Local

[  ] PRC

[ü] Overseas



Select 1 or more Qualifications from the list.


The Qualification of an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > Education¡¨ page.


All employee(s) whose highest qualification matched will be selected.

[ü] Diploma

[ü] Degree

[  ] Master

[  ] Doctor




Skill Name

Select 1 or more Skills from the list.


What skills an employee has is setup in ¡§Employee > Skill¡¨ page.


All employee(s) who has the chosen skills will be selected.

[ü] Japanese

[ü] Server maintenance

[  ] Trainer

[  ] Zoom meeting


MPF Provider

Select 1 or more MPF Providers from the list.


The MPF Provider of an employee is setup in ¡§Employee > MPF Plan¡¨ page.


All employee(s) whose MPF Provider matched will be selected.

[ü] AIA

[ü] BEA

[  ] HSBC

[  ] Manulife




See also

Select group of employees by using Employee Filter