
Select group of employees using Employee Filter

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is Employee Filter (EE filter)?


¡§Employee Filter¡¨ (or sometimes called ¡§EE Filter¡¨) is a powerful tool that we can use it to select multiple employees with different criteria.



1          Select the criteria for employee searching. There are 2 approaches to select the criteria : (1) Select a Profile, or (2) Select criteria one by one

1.1         Select a Profile

1.1.1   Click on the Profile drop down list at the top. All Profiles are shown in the list. The first 3 profiles are pre-set in the system while the other profiles are defined by user.



1.1.2   Select and click on a Profile you want, the corresponding criteria will be set. You can find the criteria description changed.



1.1.3   Check if any more criteria you want to set, if yes, simply double click on a criteria item to set. (For details click here )



1.1.4   When finished, Jump to Step 2


1.2         Select criteria one by one

1.2.1   Double-click on a criteria (i.e. filter item) you want to set. (For details click here )



1.2.2   A sub-window is shown. Set the criteria depends on different filter item. Press [OK] when finished. Sub-window closed.



1.2.3   Repeat Step 1.2.1 to set multiple criteria


1.2.4   When finished, jump to Step 2


2          Optional. Click the [ Preview ] button at the bottom right corner to see the filtered employee list based on your criteria selection. Note that all criteria (filter items) are applied at the same time. You can see how many employees were found at the bottom left corner. Press [Close] button to exit the preview window.




3          Optional. If you think the current criteria selections are useful and may be used again in future, you may save it as a Profile so that you don¡¦t need to set the criteria one by one next time.

3.1         Click the [ Disk ] button on the top-right hand corner



3.2         Enter a Profile name to describe the current criteria selection, for example ¡§More than 10 yrs in IT dept¡¨, or ¡§All active part-time staffs¡¨. A meaningful Profile name let you a quick easy search next time.



3.3         Press [OK] button to save.



3.4         The new Profile is added to the Profile drop down box for your next search now.



4          Click [ OK ] button at the bottom to apply the EE Filter.





See also