

What is a ¡§Message Template¡¨


A Message Template is a template with wordings, variables, or even images (HTML) for the system message (e.g. notification, reminder) which will be generated during some processes or workflows. A Message Template is consists of Subject, Header, and Footer which can be defined by admin user at system backend.


Below is an example of a Message Template used for sending an email to the user after password reset.



Forgot password template


Your ecPayroll web app password has been reset


Dear !!#staffnicknamefullname,


Your password has been reset and the new password is <b><span style="color:blue">!!#webuserpassword</span></b>



You may change the password after login to the web app by clicking on the top right hand menu  [!!#webusername] > [Change password]


As you can see, the Header & Footer supports HTML syntax so that you can define the message in a richer format.



See also

l   "Message Template" Setup

l   Variable List