

What is a “Workflow”


In ecPayroll system, a “Workflow” is a working path for some kind of application that require approval by particular peoples. For each type of application, once a “workflow” has been selected for approval, the system knows who should be informed and what should be done, when an application was submitted by applicant. A “Workflow” can be shared by different applications if the approver(s) and the related behaviours are the same. A “Workflow” is composed by one or multiple “Workflow stages” which is representing the approval level(s). That means, for example, if the application need 2 persons to make approval (i.e. one approved then pass to next approver), there should be 2 stages created in the workflow. Many workflows can be created depends on company policy but it is suggested that to make it clean and shareable or otherwise maintaining the workflows can be a hard work.


For each “Workflow stage” in a “Workflow”, it has defined who is the in-charge person to make approval (or reject) to the application. Besides, one or more “Event” can be defined in one “Stage”, to define the behaviour of the stage.


For each “Workflow stage event”, it has defined in what condition the event will be triggered (i.e. Trigger Type), and what action will be done (i.e. Action Type). Depends on which action type, different settings are need to be set.



Below diagram showing a typical 2 levels approval workflow.





See also

Workflow Setup