
¡§Workflow¡¨ Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is a "Workflow"

l   "Message Template" Setup

l   "Message Box" setup



Please follow below steps to setup a ¡§Workflow¡¨ for application approval.



1.          Before creating the workflow in system, you are highly suggested to draw it out to make sure the workflow is correct. It is also easier to create the workflow by following to the diagram. Below is a typical 2 levels approval workflow diagram for your reference.


In this diagram, we can see that there are 2 approval levels (i.e. Stage1, Stage2). Approver1 is the person in-charge of Stage1, while Approver2 is the person in-charge of Stage2.


Once, the application form was submitted, the workflow come to Stage1. As we want to inform Approver1 that a new application was submitted and waiting for his action, an ¡§Event¡¨ is required to be defined in Stage1 (i.e. the green one). We can also select which message template to be used here. If the application was rejected by Approver1 in Stage1, we want to inform the Applicant that his application was rejected, therefore another ¡§Event¡¨ is required to be set (i.e. the red one). The workflow will be terminated once rejected, nothing has to be set. If the application was approved by Approver1 in Stage1, we want to move to Stage2 that we need to setup another ¡§Event¡¨ for that (i.e. the blue one).


At this moment, the workflow come to Stage2. Similarly, as we want to inform Approver2 that an application is waiting for her action, an ¡§Event¡¨ is required to be defined in Stage2 (i.e. the green one). If the application was rejected by Approver2 in Stage2, we want to inform both of the Applicant and Approver1 that the application was rejected, therefore another ¡§Event¡¨ is required to be set (i.e. the red one). The workflow will be terminated once rejected, nothing has to be set. If the application was approved by Approver2 in Stage2, we want to inform the Applicant that his application was approved, so we need to setup another ¡§Event¡¨ for that (i.e. the blue one). If Stage2 is the last stage in workflow, the status of the application will be changed to ¡§APPROVED¡¨ and saved in database. Workflow run completed.






2.          Make sure ALL message templates used in the workflow are already created. For the example above, there are totally 3 different message templates (i.e. ¡§Form received¡¨, ¡§Rejected¡¨, ¡¨Approved¡¨).


If not, please follow "Message Template" Setup to complete the message templates first.



3.          Ok now let¡¦s set it up by following to your diagram. Click the [ Workflow ] button from the main screen toolbar. The workflow setup screen will be shown. All existing workflows will be shown in the list on the left.



4.          Click the [ New ] button to start create a Workflow.



5.          Enter the name of the Workflow. This name will be shown for selection in other modules.



6.          Enter the remark for this Workflow if any.



7.          Adding a new Stage in current Workflow


            i.                Click the [ + ] button to add new blank Stage



          ii.                Enter the name of the Stage. This name is used for identifying the Stage. It should be unique in the same workflow. A default stage name will be shown.



        iii.                Enter the remark of the Stage if any.



        iv.                Select an ¡§In-charge mode¡¨ to define who is/are the approver(s) for this stage. There are 3 modes as shown below :




Particular staff

To assign a fixed person as the approver for the stage.


Enter the Employee ID to select such employee.

Multiple staffs

To assign a group of persons as the approvers for the stage.


l   All people in group can receive notification

l   Any one in group can make approval (or reject).

l   Once approved (or rejected) by any one of the approvers in group, the ¡§On stage approved¡¨ (or ¡§On stage rejected¡¨) will be triggered immediately, so that some ¡§action¡¨ will be run such as ¡§Moved to next stage¡¨.


Click the ¡§EE filter¡¨ button on the right to select group of employees.

Applicant¡¦s supervisor

To assign the supervisor of the applicant as the approver based on the current ¡§Movement¡¨ record in Employee master.


For this example, select ¡§Particular staff¡¨ mode, then enter the employee ID of the in-charge person for this Stage. The corresponding employee name will be shown on the right.



          v.                Adding a new Event in current Stage


                            i.                Click the [ Add event ] button to add new blank Event



                          ii.                Enter the name of the Event. This name is used for identifying the Event. It should be unique in the same Stage. A default event name will be shown.



                        iii.                Select the Trigger Type. A Trigger Type is telling the system when the action will be fired. See below table for different Trigger Types


Trigger Type


On stage created

If current stage is the 1st stage, fired when the application form submitted.

If current stage is the 2nd or later stage, fired when the workflow is just moved to.

On stage completed

Fired when the stage was approved and it is the last stage.

On stage approved

Fired when the current stage was approved.

On stage rejected

Fired when the current stage was rejected.

On stage cancelled

Fired when the current stage was cancelled by applicant.



                        iv.                Select the Action Type. An Action Type is telling the system what to do when the event was triggered. See below table for different Action Types


Action Type


Detail settings

Move to next stage

Jump to another Stage. Normally, it will be used with ¡§On stage approved¡¨ to move to next approval stage.

The name of the next stage to be moved

Send message to in-charge person

Send a ¡§message¡¨ with selected ¡§template¡¨ to the current stage in-charge

Message Template

Send message to applicant

Send a ¡§message¡¨ with selected ¡§template¡¨ to the applicant.

Message Template

Send message to ALL preceding in-charge persons

Send a ¡§message¡¨ with selected ¡§template¡¨ to the in-charge person(s) of ALL previous stage(s).

Message Template

Send message to ALL other in-charge person(s) in this stage

Send a ¡§message¡¨ with selected ¡§template¡¨ to ALL other in-charge person(s) in current stage except the current approver who triggered the action.

Message Template

Send message to a particular Message Box

Send a ¡§message¡¨ with selected ¡§template¡¨ to the selected ¡§Message Box¡¨


When you want to ¡§cc¡¨ a copy of the message to a particular email address, you may setup this Action to send a copy to a particular message box which is mapped to an email address.

Message Box

Message Template

Auto approve

Auto approve the current application.


Normally this action should be applied to the user group who are self-approve themselves. (e.g. boss)


Auto reject

Auto reject the current application.






                          v.                Finished setting an Event for the current Stage. Jump to step 7.v.i to add another Event for the current Stage if required.



                        vi.                Finished setting a Stage for the current Workflow. Jump to step 7.i to add the next Stage if required.





8.          Click the [ Update ] button to save the settings. The Workflow was created.








If you want to create another workflow which setting is similar to another existing workflow (e.g. Same level of ¡§stage¡¨ and same ¡§event¡¨, but only different in-charge person), you may use the ¡§copy¡¨ function to duplicate the workflow, and start edit the name, in-charge person, etc.





See also

l   ½Ð°²¥Ó½Ð (ESS)

l   ¾P°²¥Ó½Ð (ESS)

l   º|¥´¥d¸É¥æ¥Ó½Ð (ESS)

l   ¶O¥Î³ø¾P¥Ó½Ð (ESS)