
Configure the Leave balance table in Leave Application Page

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None


In the e-Leave module, during the process of leave application, a Leave balance table can be shown before submitting the application form. This table helps the staff to select a suitable leave type for applying leave taking. By default the table will showing the balance as at the date of leave applying for each leave type. Please note that the balance will include any pending approval leave before the leave applying date.


The balance will be shown with display unit preset by each leave type. For example, ¡§1d¡¨ means ¡§1 day¡¨ while ¡§1d 4h 0m¡¨ means ¡§1 Day 4 Hours 0 Minute¡¨.



Besides of showing the leave balance as at the date of leave applying, you may show more information such as the leave balance as at a user-defined cutoff date, or the total taken days after the cutoff date. To see how to configure these settings please follow below steps.



1.          Click the [ Web Module Setup ] button from the main screen toolbar




2.          Click the ¡§ Setting ¡¨ tab



3.          Select Web > ESS > HR > Leave > Leave application



4.          In the box ¡§Leave Application > Leave Summary¡¨, select a preferred cut-off date for the following options.

l   ¡§Column to show the Leave balance as at above cutoff date¡¨ : Enable this option to show an additional column showing the leave balance as at the cutoff date you selected.

l   ¡§Column to show total no. of Leave taken days + Non-approved leave days after above cutoff date¡¨ : Enable this option to show an additional column showing the total leave taken days + all pending days after the cut-off date your selected.



5.          Click the [ Save ] button to save the setting.



6.          Finished. Now the more information will be shown on e-Leave application form.




See also

Publish Online New to e-Leave

Change the e-Leave e-Mail Layout

Configure the date period of applying approved leave cancellation