Group Timetable Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s) 

l          Duty Group Setup

l          Day Duty Setup



1.        Select a Duty Group, then right click and press [Timetable Setup]


2.         Select duty rule field of one day, then right click and press [Duty Arrangement Setup]


3.        Below screen will shown, user can add group rule by pressing


4.        Enter [Rule Name] (Reference field, can leave blank)


5.        Select a suitable duty from the pull down menu. If no suitable duty found, please click [New Duty] to define a new duty first. For detail, please refer to [Add Duty]


6.        Enter [Effective Date] (Leave the effective date as default value if you want to add a rule effective permanently)


7.        Select a week day that apply this rule


8.        Define [Repeat per week] (If the rule is apply for every week, enter[ 1], if the rule is apply for alternative week, enter [2], etc)


9.        Click   to save the rule


10.    If you want to add more rule, repeat steps 3 - 9


11.    If you want to copy a rule, select a rule then press  


12.    If you want to delete rule, select a rule then press  and


13.    Attention¡IYou can add many duty rules to specified employee or duty group with priority order. If you add more than one rule, only the rule at the top will be applied. If you want to change the priority of rules, use  to move the higher priority rule to the top


See also

Employee Timetable Setup