
Time Attendance Analysis (Running from Access Log)

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What Is Time Attendance Analysis?



In the screen of ¡§Access Log¡¨, besides of showing the clock IN/OUT transaction records, you can run the process ¡§Time Attendance Analysis¡¨ by a simple click. Please follow below steps:



1.          Click the [Access Log] button from the main screen toolbar



2.          Select the date range that you are going to run ¡§Analysis¡¨



3.          Click the [EE Filter] button to select employee(s) to be ¡§Analysis¡¨.



4.          Click the [Analysis] button to start analysis process



Before click the [Analysis] button, you may click the [Refresh] button first to showing the related clock IN/OUT records. But this is NOT a necessary step.







P.S.: During analysis, you can press [Cancel Analysis] button to stop the process. Please note that the analysed data will NOT be roll-back.



5.          Finished. You may check the employee¡¦s attendance result now.




See also

Time Attendance Analysis (Running from Timetable)