
Time Attendance Analysis (Running from Timetable)

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What Is Time Attendance Analysis?



In the screen of ¡§Timetable¡¨, you can analyze time attendance for 1 particular staff for 1 day of a period of date. Please follow below steps:



1.          Click the [Calendar Setup] button by main screen toolbar.



2.          Select the required date range.



3.          Select employee(s) using the ¡§EE Filter¡¨



4.          Make sure you have turned on ¡§Attendance¡¨ row by click on the [Attendance] button.



5.          Click the [Display] button to refresh the screen. Now you should see all attendance results of the selected staffs within the selected date range.



6.          Mouse right-click on any 1 day on the ¡§Attendance¡¨ row



7.          Click ¡§Re-Analyze this day¡¨ to re-analyze the selected day only, or click ¡§Re-Analyze period¡¨ to re-analyze all days within the selected period. The updated attendance result should be refreshed immediately.



If you found the analysis cannot be made, check if it was write protected by ¡§Date Lock¡¨.









See also

Time Attendance Analysis ( Running from Access Log )