
What is a Shift?

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None


What is a ¡§Shift¡¨

In ecTA / ecPayroll system, generally, a ¡§Shift¡¨ is the core, basic unit which represents the timetable of work duty (or off duty) in 1 single day. By assigning different Shifts with some ¡§Duty rules¡¨ to staffs, it forms the ¡§Duty Roster¡¨.


Below is an example of a classic duty roster. In this example, you just need to create total 4 Shifts (i.e. ¡§9-18¡¨, ¡§8-17¡¨, ¡§9-13¡¨, ¡§OFF¡¨) to cover the whole roster. All created Shift can be re-used so user do not need to repeat entering the shift hours every week.




For each ¡§Shift¡¨, there are many things can be defined by user such as:

l   Shift code, description

l   Shift Type

l   Start / End time of a work duty session in 1 day

l   Start / End time of a pre-approved Overtime session in 1 day

l   Calculation rules of lateness, early leave, and absence

l   ¡K (details will be covered in page ¡§Add a new Shift¡¨)


Normally, a ¡§Shift¡¨ is composed by several session object. Each session describe the behaviour of a particular time period in a day. There are different session types as shown below:


Session Type


Work Duty

A normal working period with fixed start/end time. Staffs are required to clock-IN and clock-OUT according to the fixed start/end time. More than 1 duty session can be set in a Shift but they must be separated.

Fixed Hour Work Duty

Flexible working style with no fixed start/end time. Staffs are required to work not less than the minimum working hours defined. Clock-IN & OUT are required. Only 1 Fixed hour session can be set in a Shift.

Multi-Fixed Hour Duty

Multiple flexible working periods with no fixed start/end time for each period. Staffs can work multi periods in 1 day. Every pair of Clock IN / OUT represents a work period. A minimum required total working hours can be defined. Only 1 Multi-Fixed hour session can be set in a Shift.

Flexible Duty

To provide flexibility for staffs to leave earlier if he/she was start working in the same day. This session is to define the allowed time period for early working. This session must be set just before the ¡§Work Duty¡¨.


A flexible short break period. Staffs are allowed to take a break within the break period but not longer than the pre-defined break hours. More than 1 break session can be set in a Shift but they must be separated with at least 1 hour. This session must be set within the ¡§Work Duty¡¨ period.


A pre-approved overtime period with fixed start/end time. If the staffs have worked within this period based on the clock-IN/OUT time, overtime hours will be counted. OT session can be set with ¡§Work Duty¡¨, ¡§Fixed Hour Work Duty¡¨, or ¡§Holiday¡¨ session. More than 1 OT session can be set in a Shift.


To define OFF duty period. Normally, it should be set for whole day period. Staffs are NOT required to clock IN/OUT within this session. However, if it is overlapped by another OT session, OT hours will be counted if there are clock IN & OUT records.


By adding one or more sessions, user can define different kind of Shift such as Single Shift, Split Shift, Overnight night Shift, Flexi-lunch hour Shift, etc. See the page ¡§Types of Shift Duty¡§ to understand more.


See the Shift Setup screen as well at page ¡§Shift Duty Setup Interface¡§


Below are more examples on Shift setup:

1.          Single Shift

2.          Split Shift

3.          Single Shift with Flexible Lunch

4.          Fixed Working Hours Shift

5.          Overnight Shift



See also

Add Shift Duty

Modify Shift Duty

Delete Shift Duty