
¡§Forgot Password¡¨ Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None



In the Web APP module (i.e. ESS, MSS), the staffs are required to login with his/her own password before using the functions. However, in case the staff forget the password, we need to provide a way for him/her to solve the problem themselves.


Currently, once the staff forget his/her own password, he/she can click the link ¡§Forgot Password¡¨ just below the login box. Firstly, a guideline will be shown to the staff which is defined by admin user. Then, depends on which mode selected, several questions will be asked in order to identify the user. If all answers are correct, the password will be reset with random numbers, and a notification email with the new generated password will be sent to the staff automatically. So that the staff can login to the Web APP by using the new password. And then he/she can change the password after login to the system.


Please follow below steps to config this part.




1.          Click the [ Web Module Setup ] button from the main screen toolbar





2.          Click the ¡§Settings¡¨ tab, and then click the ¡§Forget password¡¨ from the menu tree on left hand side.




3.          Enter the guideline message to be shown on the screen to tell the staff what he/she should do. Simple HTML syntax is supported so that you can define the message more clearly. Typical messages are shown below for example :




Please enter below information to reset your password.

Please enter below information to reset your password.

Please contact <b>Annie Wong</b> for help

Please contact Annie Wong for help

Please follow below steps to reset your password:<ol><li>Answer the questions below</li><li>Click [Submit] button</li><li>Check your email and get the new password</li></ol>

Please follow below steps to reset your password:

1.          Answer the questions below

2.          Click [Submit] button

3.          Check your email and get the new password




4.          Select the ¡§Reset password mode¡¨. Currently there are 3 modes : (1) ¡§Self reset password disabled¡¨ (2) ¡§Employee ID, Date of birth, HKID¡¨ (3) ¡§Employee ID, Date of birth¡¨.


Only mode (2) & (3) will ask questions for staff identity. If all answers are correct, the password will be reset with random number. A notification email with new password will be sent to the staff¡¦s email automatically.


The content of the notification email is not fixed while you can define it in ¡§message template¡¨. Select which message template you want to use for the notification email.





5.          Click the [ Save ] button to save the setting. The new settings are effective immediately on web app.







See also

l   Web User Account Setup

l   Message Template Setup