
¡§Message Box¡¨ Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is a "Message Box"




Please follow below steps to setup a ¡§Message box¡¨ for a group of people.



1.          Click the [ Item Record ] button from the main screen toolbar



2.          Click ¡§Message Box¡¨ from the menu on the left. All existing Message Boxes will be shown in the list on right hand side.



3.          Click the [ New ] button to start create a Message Box



4.          Enter the name of the Message Box. This name will be shown for selection in other modules.



5.          Enter the email address for this Message Box. All messages received by this Message Box will be sent a copy to this email address.



6.          Enter the remark for this Message Box if any. 



7.          Click the [ Update ] button to save the settings. The message box was created.






See also

l   Workflow Setup

l   "Message Template" Setup