
View / Edit Employee Record

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Add New Employee


To view / edit an employee record, please follow below steps:




1.      Find the employee record that you are going to view / edit.


2.      Double-click on the employee record from the main screen.



3.      From the menu on left hand side, select the page that you are going to view / edit.



4.      View the information on screen. Or, if you want to edit the record, enter the information in the corresponding data box, then click the [Update] button to save changes.





The [Update] button most likely appear of the top left corner of the employee record. However, for some pages, like Employment, Movement, Education, Work Exp., Leave Record, etc. As those pages are designed for user to enter multiple records, therefore, the [Update] button is located nearby the list table. Below are two examples.






See also

Find Out an Employee Record