View Attendance Result

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l            Analyze Transaction Data



1.          View Edit Employee


2.          Click ¡§Attendance¡¨ from the menu at left hand side. Attendance information appears on right hand side.


3.          Select date range to retrieve corresponding attendance result


4.          Click ¡§Column Setup¡¨ button to set column preferences such as column width, display order and show/hide column.


5.          In the list, each row represents a session. There may be more than one session within one day depends on duty settings. Following attendance information are shown on the list:





Show ¡§Y¡¨ when the attendance result has been revised by user.


The date of attendance record


Type of status : BLANK= Duty, # = Holiday, *=Leave

Rin / Rout

Regular In / Out time of duty

PIn / POut

Punch In / Out time recorded by reader.

Fin / Fout

Final In / Out time analysed by system base on Punch In / Out time and duty time table. Time rounding may be applied if set. When forget punch time occur, regular time will be filled as final time automatically if the feature is enabled.


Over Time hours and minutes. Noted that over time will be calculated only when O.T. object is set in timetable. Please refer to OT Type Setup.

O.T. pts

Over Time Points.


Late hours and minutes.


Early Leave hours and minutes.

Work hour

Working hours and minutes.


Remarks that starting with ¡§*¡¨ is generated by system automatically. Remarks can be editing by user.


6.          Press  to export to Excel


See also

Amend attendance Result
