
Using Timetable

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Day Duty Setup

l   Timetable Setup

l   Duty Group Setup

l   Analyze Transaction Data


What is Timetable ?

¡§Timetable¡¨is a user friendly graphical interface showing time & attendance related information of the selected staffs (or groups) and selected date range in a calendar layout. The timetable is showing time attendance data by rows and date by columns. For the time attendance data, actually there are 4 types of data you can see: (1) Duty roster (Shift duty assignment) (2) Duty Group assignment (3) Clock IN/OUT records, and (4) Attendance result. Actually you can select which type(s) of data you want to show. Besides of just viewing information, you can also doing different tasks in this screen easily, such as: duty roster planning, changing duty group for a staff, manual add/delete clock IN/OUT records, update attendance result, etc.


Below showing the steps how to open the ¡§Timetable¡¨:



1          There are 3 ways to open the Timetable :

1.1            In main screen, click the [Calendar] button on the toolbar. Fastest way because no data will be loaded.


1.2            In main screen, right click on an employee who you want to view his/her own attendance info, and then click [Open Timetable]. All attendance data of this staff will be shown by default.


1.3            In main screen, right click on a duty group which you want to view its duty roster, and then click [Timetable Setup]. Duty roster of this Duty Group will be shown by default.


2          The Timetable screen will be shown. Note that different view will be shown depends on how you open the timetable in step 1.


3          Select which employees or duty groups to be shown by rows

3.1            To select employee(s), press the [EE Filter] button

3.2            To select duty group(s), press the [Group Filter] button


4          Select what attendance information to be shown by rows.

4.1            On the top left hand corner, click on the 4 buttons to show corresponding information



Employee mode

Duty Group mode

Duty Rule

Duty roster of the selected Staffs or Duty Groups.



Duty Group

The assigned Duty Group of the selected Staffs


Not available


Attendance result of the selected Staffs


Not available

Punch Rec¡¦

Actual clock IN/OUT records of the selected Staffs


Not available



5          Select the date range you want to show by columns. You can simply input the start/end date, or click the [Prev. Week] [Next Week] button to switch to previous / next week.




6          Click [Display] button to refresh the screen.



You can press the [Stop] button 䞚dȤE while loading data.







7          If required, repeat from step 3 to view other attendance information.



You can adjust the column width anytime to fit your screen






See also

Day Duty Setup

Timetable Setup

Assign Duty Group to an Employee

Manual Add Punch Record in Timetable

View attendance Result

Amend attendance Result